ข้อสอบนักเรียนนายสิบตำรวจ สายอำนวยการ วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ชุดที่ 17

จำนวนผู้เข้าชม: 416
#1. What does it mean when the author said she found herself “locked out”?
#2. “The woman was locked out because .
#3. The woman’s neighbor was ……………. when she went to him.
#4. Which is true according to the passage?
#5. When did the author get the extra key?
#6. What is the unexpected event in the story?
#7. From reading the passage, we can say that the woman is ……………….
#8. This passage is a/an …………… Story.
#9. The author got the extra key because she ………………
#10. We know from the passage that the woman’s husband ……………