ข้อสอบนักเรียนนายสิบตำรวจ สายอำนวยการ วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ชุดที่ 16

จำนวนผู้เข้าชม: 177
#1. According to the passage, piranhas ………………
#2. The word “habitat” (line 2. means a ………
#3. Piranhas can be found in lakes when ……………..
#4. “Piranhas have voracious appetites” (line 4. suggests that they are ……………
#5. “Well-stocked river” (line 5) means a river ………………
#6. How do piranhas hunt?
#7. “The piranhas hunts with speed and by surprise” (line 7) because it hunts …………….
#8. The word “them” (line 10) refers to …………..
#9. The second paragraph mainly discusses the piranha’s …………….
#10. This reading passage intends to ……………….